Yes the KLIKBoks PLUS and PRO and the KLIKStik offer a "softAP" mode (meaning software Access Point) so they can be used without connection to a larger network. And just like the other models users can connect directly to the KLIKStik from a device without connecting to a WLAN. That said, there are reasons to use this connection method and others that preclude its use. Here are a couple of pros and cons.
- Can be used where there is no WLAN available
- Keeps presentation traffic off the WLAN and preserves bandwidth
- Allows guests to make presentations without authenticating to the network
- Users have no Internet access while connected via Wi-Fi (except mobile devices)
- Range is very limited and subject to interference
- Limit of 5 simultaneous connections
Some of the above "Cons" can be "deal-breakers" so consider them carefully for your application. Also keep in mind that with KLIK's KB400 and KB460 wireless senders, you may have more alternatives for connectivity.
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